Our Features

A list of some features that our Bot offers.

AeroAssist offers you a varity of free and exclusive features. No matter if you want to copy your friends flightplan, compare you latest stats or see where other users have been flying in there last sessions - AeroAssist makes all of this and so much more possible. Partners can in addition request their own free commands to be added into the bot. Those can reach from a full crew center to atc logs or even a full pilots database.

Feature availability: Some features and commands are only available to our offical partners and premium subscribers.

User Stats

Our command /user-info lets you enter a Infinite Flight Community forum username. Based on that, the bot will give you detailed informations about this user. The icon next to the username can show you the requested person is a staff member, moderator, IFATC controller or part of the Airport Editing Team (IFAET).

Airport Information

The command /airport-information will display you information about every singe airport included in Infinite Flight. Some of them are acurat METAR reports, live ATIS for IFATC staffed airports and current in-/ outbounds.

Flight Tracking

AeroAssist also offers flight tracking directly withinn discord using /flight-info. Just enter a username to get the route, next waypoint an flightplan, ETA and so much more.

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